As the breeze slowly turns colder, the spirit of Christmas can also be felt in everyone’s heart. On December 9, 2022, the Information Technology Students Organization (ITSO) of the College of Arts, Science, and Technology (CAST) held a gift-giving and feeding program for the kindergarten and grade one students of Obillo Elementary School in Brgy. Pantol, Bayambang.

The program started with a solemn prayer and singing of the national anthem Lupang hinirang both led by the emcees Ms. Monica L. Lasic and Ms. Maica L. Prestoza. To finally open the program Mr. Matthew John F. Sino Cruz shares his thanks to the faculty members of the Obillo Elementary School for once again accepting the ITSO on their school premises.

To warm up the childrenโ€™s morning and to make things fun ITSO prepares a variety of games that the children will surely like. With the powerful voices of our emcees in this segment Mr. Denzel Reige B. Perez and Ms. Gene Mar M. Flores they made every children excited for the next games. First on the list is, Bring me where the grade one and kindergarten students eagerly race and bring the wanted object towards our emcees. However, the fun didnโ€™t end there as the next game tested the teamwork of the children. Two teams of five children raced against each other by not letting the balloons touch the ground. To end the games, all the children danced in the center together with a tune, and the IT faculty members together with the ITSO family also joined them. Before the music ended all the participants can be seen with bright smiles etched on their faces. The winners received a variety of prizes after they won.

The ITSO provided a small feeding program with sopas, chicken sandwiches, and juice as a snack for the children. After the short break, the main highlight of the program was in order. One by one the children lined up, spearheaded by ITSO president Mr. Ivan Gerard V. De Guzman together with his officers they gave the children their respective gifts ranging from hygiene kits, school supplies, and toys. As they received their gift a smile can be seen on their face. After finally getting their gift the ITSO family together with all the children posted in a picture shouting โ€œMerry Christmasโ€ with all their hearts.