The Nursing Guild supplements students’ knowledge, abilities, and positive attitudes towards healthcare by instigating health promotion and disease prevention while consequently promoting students’ insight into caring for individuals, families, and communities, aiming for the students’ nourishing proficiency.
Constitution and by-laws
President: Crystal Joy S. Pontaoe
Vice President: Charina Mae B. Fernandez
Secretary: Czarinah Aliah C. Caniezo
Sub- Secretary: Christopher C. Bancolita
Treasurer: Liezel C. Gomez
Sub- treasurer: Mariah Jadech Ann C. Paragas
Business Manager: Celina Fe B. Frias
Auditor: Zarah Abigail G. Delos Reyes
Public Information Officer: Ma. Angela Nina Q. Germono
Peace and Order Officer: Jobelle G. Medrano
4th year representative: Kathleen Ann H. Aromin
3rd year representative: Jhane Louise L. Rosario
2nd year representative: Demmz John B. Perez
1st year representative: Khieryl L. Maranio
Sherlyn DC. Platon, RN, MAN.
Nursing Guild Adviser
Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness Infographics Creation Disseminated Through Facebook Page of the Nursing Guild
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects a person’s ability to manage social interactions and generates repetitive and restricted behavior. The syndrome usually begins in childhood, making it difficult for them to befriend people around, moreover, communication is a crucial need of children for development, thus.
The Nursing Guild wants to enable the students to recognize the rights of individuals with autism and work to raise awareness about them especially of children hence here are some WORDS YOU NEED TO KNOW TO BEFRIEND CHILDREN WITH AUTISM, make them feel accepted, and make the world a safer place for them.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness Infographics Creation Disseminated Through Facebook Page of the Nursing Guild
PSUnians Back in Campus: Health Protocols under the New Normal During a Pandemic Webinar
For the past two years, many activities were discontinued due to the massive threat COVID-19 had inflicted on us. Schools and other establishments shut their doors in order to protect the safety of their constituents. Now, as things slowly transition to the new normal, the gates of universities are finally opening to welcome back students to provide them with better learning opportunities. As students take their steps onto the school ground, there is a sense of uneasiness and uncertainty about whether health and well-being are guaranteed or if they are simply placing themselves at bigger risks.
Protection has always been the primary priority since the pandemic began. That’s why health precautionary measures are implemented to protect people from the disease. However, people still fail to comply and continue to be reckless with these protocols thus resulting in tragic consequences. The new normal is a big and crucial step in returning to how things were. Caution must be taken as it is not just your health that you’re risking, but the others’ health as well.
The students discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has now become a worldwide health concern, with serious implications for education. Distance learning has been used to deliver learning methods over the last two years. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the world’s education system has shifted to online learning. Although online learning is now considered the new normal, this platform does not always facilitate the exchange or sharing of information. As a result, one’s learning potency may be limited. Some argue that face-to-face education is the most effective, but this can only be safely implemented if we follow health protocols.