Bachelor in Secondary Education

-Major in Communication Arts English

-Major in Communication Arts Filipino

AACCUP Level IV Reaccredited


Department Chair


Welcome to Languages  Department

This is the home of the

    L-inguistically adept students, 

    A-rtistic clubs,

    N-ational LET passers,

    G-overnment service leaders,

    U-ber achievers,

    A -ctive alumni,

    G-overnment recognized curriculum,

    E-fficient and competent mentors, and 

    S-ervice-oriented team.


The Languages Department (LD) offers two distinct programs:  the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English  (Based English)  and the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Filipino (BSEd Filipino). These are undergraduate teacher education programs designed to equip pre-service teachers with adequate and relevant  competencies to teach  English and Filipino, respectively in the secondary level.

Both the BSEd English and the BSEd Filipino programs are given a Level IV reaccredited status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP).  According to the AACCUP Manual on Accreditation,  the Level IV Re-Accredited Status is only awarded to academic programs which are highly respected and very high quality programs in the Philippines with prestige and authority comparable to similar programs in excellent foreign universities.  

Moreover, both programs are also awarded the  Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).  This  is a recognition that the specific degree programs being offered by SUCs/LUCs are fully compliant with the CHED policies, standards, and guidelines.

Over the years, the department has produced  graduates who have landed not only teaching but also supervisorial positions in the local, regional, national, and international levels.

Despite the changing educational landscape brought by the pandemic, the LD continues to break barriers in reaching the students, to champion the cause of education, and to impact positive changes that affect the present generation and beyond.

The Languages Department (LD) offers two distinct programs:  the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English  (Based English)  and the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Filipino (BSEd Filipino). These are undergraduate teacher education programs designed to equip pre-service teachers with adequate and relevant  competencies to teach  English and Filipino, respectively in the secondary level.


Mary Ann J. Bullagay, PhD

Department Chair

jeferson a. AUstria, Maed


Tuesday C. De Leon, PhD


Ma. Theresa E. Macaltao, PHD


Mary Ann C. Macaranas, PhD

QA Coordinator

Salome M. Montemayor, PhD


Mae Anne C. Paglingayen, MAED


Jessica N. Pascua, MAED


Krigher C. Simbulan, PhD



After successful completion of all academic requirements for the degree/program, graduates of BSEd Science should be able to practice the teaching profession in the secondary level.


Lifelong learner 1. articulate discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice
  • Participate in continuing education and professional development in the specific field of practice 
Eloquent 2.  effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino languages;
  • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication using both English and Filipino languages 
  • Exhibit adequate technical writing and oral communication abilities 
Culture sensitive 3. Work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
  • Work effectively as a member of multi-disciplinary & multi-cultural teams
  • Display good judgment of people, actions and ideas and communicate them efficiently 
  • Demonstrate effective leadership, coordination and decision-making skills 
  • Demonstrate productive project management skills 
Socially and Environmentally Responsible 4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
  • Articulate the contribution of one’s profession to society and nation building 
  • Articulate the responsibilities of a Filipino citizen in relation to the rest of the world 
  • Demonstrate respect for intellectual property rights 
  • Explain professional knowledge and ethical responsibilities in the Tech-voc education
Nationalistic 5. preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”;
  • Articulate one’s possible contributions to society and nation building 
Knowledgeable 6. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological and political contexts.    
  • Discuss extensive and articulate information in the core areas of Household Resource Management
Objective 7. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills in analyzing methods In managing resources
  • Apply principles of household resource management in one’s household
Ethical 8. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes   appropriate to specific learners and their environments.
  • Select most effective teaching methodology for the subject.
  • Synthesize knowledge that is able to reach the understanding of diverse learners. 
Systematic 9. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners.
  • Utilize applicable technologies for successful development of instructional plans and curricula
  • Develop applicable modes of teaching for diverse learners 
Service driven 10. Apply Skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices.
  • Demonstrate technical writing and public speaking abilities 
  • Disseminate information, ideas, problems & solutions to Educators and trainors
  • Participate actively in Tech-voc forums and webinars 
Socially responsive 11. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
  • Develop effective lesson planning, monitoring progress and assessing outputs. 
Knowledgeable and skilled 12. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities.
  • Plot programs and activities against the guidelines given by authorities 
Decisive  13. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities
  • Attend trainings and seminars on food and nutrition
  • Develop modules and other learning materials
Realistic 14. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET Trainers – Assessors Qualification Framework (PTTQF);
  • Conduct technical training and competency assessment;
  • Design and develop curriculum, courses and instructional materials;
  • Supervise and mentor technical students;
  • Extend the body of knowledge in the field of teach-voc education and training
Honest 15. Demonstrate broad and coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood education.
  • Demonstrate competence/ and mastery in meaning fully teaching EPP/TLE;
  • Facilitate the teaching-learning of EPP/TLE
  • Relate lesson with other lessons in the course and with other disciplines. 
Expert 16. Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in technology and livelihood Education;
  • Demonstrate competence in applying specialized knowledge and skills with confidence;
  • Demonstrate mastery in teaching EPP/TLE
Innovative 17. Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning;
  • Develop one’s own teaching  strategies to attain learning outcomes;
  • Reflect on teaching strategies and skills to continuously improve them;
  • Communicate ideas clearly and accurately in oral and written form;
  • Make sound judgement and decision after critical evaluation of ideas
Credible 18. Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students;
  • Facilitate Learning by applying time tested-principles of learning;
  • Employ interactive, collaborative, integrative, and reflective teaching learning activities;
  • Teach based on sound principles and philosophies of education
Objective but open-minded 19. Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes;
  • Relate teaching-learning to the historical, social, cultural and political context;
  • Show how historical, social, cultural and political processes impact on teaching learning
Research oriented 20. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment, and teaching approaches); and 
  • Use varied teaching approaches and strategies relevant to EPP/TLE
  • Implement Effectively the curriculum and assess its relevance and responsiveness to the needs of the clientele;
  • Observe alignment of outcomes, teaching –learning activities and assessment task in lesson planning;
  • Use appropriate traditional and authentic assessment tools to assess learning and to inform instruction;
  • Utilize varied and appropriate instructional technology to facilitate and enrich instruction
21. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and other factors affecting educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices
  • Integrate principles of teaching and learning, theories on human development and social context of the learner for relevant and effective teaching
  • Practice reflective teaching
  • Adapt innovative learning practices 


  • Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms, systems, policies, and processes which are reflective of transparency, equity, participatory decision making, and accountability.

  • Engage in relevant, comprehensive, and sustainable development initiatives through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that build personal and professional credibility and integrity.

  • Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which provide continuous improvement and producing quality outputs leading to inclusive growth.
  • Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, innovative mindset, research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry requirements of local, ASEAN and international human capital market through relevant and comprehensive programs.

  • Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which ensures higher productivity among the university constituents and elevate the welfare of the multi-sectoral communities.

  • Practice spiritual values and morally upright behaviour which promote and inspire greater harmony to project a credible public image.

The BSED degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary education.

Department Activities


The Literartura (Literary and Visual Arts Club) held its first Literary and Visual Arts Festival entitled “COLORS” at the AVR-LRC Building, April 27, 2016 with competitions in Spoken Word Poetry, Art Exhibit, and Live Art and Music performances. Students from across course programs showcased their artistic and literary skills through different media and live forms.

Project read

Project Read is the 2019 outreach and extension program of Languages Department that aimed to conduct tutorial services for slow readers at Tanolong Elementary School and Tanolong National High School Bayambang, Pangasinan. Student-participants in the program were determined by the school where 3rd year Bachelor of Secondary Education English Majors go to the partner school every Friday for _weeks to teach students how to read in English. A Thanksgiving party was held for the students who participated in Languages Department’s “Project Read” where the members of the English Communicators Circle gave donations. School supplies, hygienic kits and treats were included in the gifts given to the students who actively participated in the said event.

Theater arts workshop

BSE-English 2-1 students participated in a Theater Arts Workshop on October 19-20, 2019 at the Learning Resorce Center-Audio Visual Room. The workshop was facilitated and led by Mr. Albert Saldajeno Jr., Head Animator of Kalipaya Ministry who shared techniques on how to enhance the skills and talents of the participants in theater arts in preparation for their play, Sulyap (Orpheus and Eurydice) that was performed on January 24, 2020. Furthermore, the play served as an avenue to establish PSU Bayambang’s very own theater arts group – Teatro Kultura.


A theater musical production was spearheaded by the English Communicators Circle telling the story of Orpheus and his journey to the underworld. ECC in partnership with the Kapisanang Sulo ng Diwa (KSD) along with Golden Lion Manuevers, PSU-BC’s official modern dance troupe, and PSU Himig Chorale, PSU-BC’s chorale group formed the TeatroKultura Club, and performed the production to the public on January 24, 2020, at the Bayambang Events Center.

First virtual student orientation for flexible learning

The onset of the pandemic pushed education to leave conventional practices and to embrace innovative methods. PSU-BC launched the academic year 2020-2021 online with most of its services digitalized. In line with this, the English Communicators Circle spearheaded the student orientation for all year levels to inform the students on the new processes and guidelines of the university

Virtual english olympics 2020

Celebrating compassion and solidarity in the face of adversity, the English Communicators Circle brought the English Olympics online with various digital competitions and webinars. The contests were open to all PSU-BC students and winners were granted cash prizes. As part of the event, the ECC hosted a Language Forum consisting of two webinars, The Making of a Language Teacher, and Language Translation Webinar for the Bachelor of Secondary Education English Majors held on Day 1, and Day 7 respectively.

2021 languages department virtual orientation

The English Communicators Circle, in partnership with the Kapisanang Sulo ng Diwa welcomed Freshman students of the Languages Department during the Virtual Orientation Program on September 22, 2021 where students where informed of the online services, processes, and guidelines of the univeristy for the academic year. Members of the faculty, and the official clubs of the department were introduced, as the more senior students welcomed the 1st year students with tips and advice during the student onboarding.

2021 languages department virtual orientation

The English Communicators Circle, in partnership with the Kapisanang Sulo ng Diwa welcomed Freshman students of the Languages Department during the Virtual Orientation Program on September 22, 2021 where students where informed of the online services, processes, and guidelines of the univeristy for the academic year. Members of the faculty, and the official clubs of the department were introduced, as the more senior students welcomed the 1st year students with tips and advice during the student onboarding.

1st online campus-based press conference

With collective efforts of the Languages Department, and the Public Relations, Publication and Information Office, The Reflector, PSU-BC’s official campus publication held its first online Campus-Based Press Conference on October 11-16, 2022 to discover and to train aspiring campus journalists. The event is composed of lectures, workshops and contest proper to determine the ability of the aspirants in their chosen fields of journalism. The five winners were awarded for each event and  were welcomed as new official scribes of The Reflector.

#parasakinabukasan webinar on creative teaching innovation for language and literature

To further equip incoming the practice teaching interns of the Languages Department-English major students, the English Communicators Circle held the Webinar on Creative Teaching Innovations for Language and Literature on November 6, 2021 via Zoom Cloud Meetings. Mr. Alberto Saldajeno Jr., chief creativity officer of the Educator Empowerment Program, shared strategies and techniques the teaching interns can use for attention grabbing and learning retention. In conclusion, he advised the students to loosen up and to free the inner child in them for these teaching strategies to be effective.

ECC virtual english olympics 2021

To strengthen unity and creativity in the midst of the online set up, the ECC conducted its second Virtual English Olympics themed: “Championing Solidarity and Creativity in the Digital Era” on December 15-18, 2021 held via Zoom and aired via Facebook Live. The said Olympics was opened for all PSU-BC students comprising of various competitions namely Poetry writing, News Reporting, Mobile Photography, Poster and Slogan Making, TikToKultura Dance, and King and Queen of Mt. Olympus. A webinar on language research was conducted after the opening ceremony where Resource Speaker Dr. Cesar Della shared his expertise. The three-day event was concluded with the announcement of winners who were awarded by cash prizes, sponsored by the partner organizations of the club.

ECC virtual english olympics 2021

To strengthen unity and creativity in the midst of the online set up, the ECC conducted its second Virtual English Olympics themed: “Championing Solidarity and Creativity in the Digital Era” on December 15-18, 2021 held via Zoom and aired via Facebook Live. The said Olympics was opened for all PSU-BC students comprising of various competitions namely Poetry writing, News Reporting, Mobile Photography, Poster and Slogan Making, TikToKultura Dance, and King and Queen of Mt. Olympus. A webinar on language research was conducted after the opening ceremony where Resource Speaker Dr. Cesar Della shared his expertise. The three-day event was concluded with the announcement of winners who were awarded by cash prizes, sponsored by the partner organizations of the club.


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