Chairperson, BEEd Deparmtnent
Welcome to BEEd Department
We are delighted to welcome you to the core department of the College of Teacher Education, the Professional Education Department. We are energized by the return of
our vibrant campus life. Whether you are on your fresh start or continuing your teaching and learning journey with us, we look forward to your future endeavors and
The Professional Education Department caters to all Teacher Education programs like the BSE (Math, Science, English, Filipino, Social Studies), BEE, BECED, BTLED and BPED that are mandated to passed 42 units of professional education courses. With these courses entrusted to the department we are endowed with brilliant and top caliber mentors and professors in the university, most are experienced academicians and education leaders.
Through its mandate, the Professional Education Department, develops professional teachers who proficiently teach courses along their areas of specialization,
develop effective teachers who keep abreast with and are responsive to the demands of a globally competitive education setting, foster the culture of research addressing
emergent challenges and concerns in the context of education and instill in every student a deep regard for teaching and learning.
As a department dedicated to educating our future teachers and leaders, we encourage teacher education students to continue working for excellence in the teacher education program. Let us keep the Center of Excellence and Level IV status of our college, by always exemplifying quality and excellence in teaching and learning.
Welcome and best regards.

After successful completion of all academic requirements for the degree/program, graduates of BSEd should be able to practice the teaching profession in the Secondary Level.
- Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms, systems, policies, and processes which are reflective of transparency, equity, participatory decision making, and accountability.
- Engage in relevant, comprehensive, and sustainable development initiatives through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that build personal and professional credibility and integrity.
- Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which provide continuous improvement and producing quality outputs leading to inclusive growth.
- Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, innovative mindset, research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry requirements of local, ASEAN and international human capital market through relevant and comprehensive programs.
- Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which ensures higher productivity among the university constituents and elevate the welfare of the multi-sectoral communities.
- Practice spiritual values and morally upright behaviour which promote and inspire greater harmony to project a credible public image.
The BSED degree program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary education.
BEE Student Teachers participation in the Normalite (Local ERASMUS MUNDUS) Program of the National Network of Normal Schools
The Normalite (Local Erasmus Mundus) Program is a local and eventually could be an international program for a comprehensive exchange of academic and research expertise, collaboration and extension of 3Ns schools, of which PSU Bayambang is a member. This aims to provide student participants to take courses in any member of the 3Ns, thereby enhancing their personal and social well-being in the realm of multi-cultural diversity.