The PSU-Bayambangโ€™s newly elected student-officers of various co-curricular organizations and interest clubs for the 2022-2023 academic year have formally assumed their leadership roles during the โ€œPanagkabat 2022,โ€ an oath-taking and induction program by the Supreme Student Council (SSC), Tuesday, October 25, at the Benigno Aldana Gymnasium.
A Pangasinan word for โ€œto introduce or to be introduced,โ€ Panagkabat was attended by nearly 400 student-officers who were formally inducted to office as the program is pegged on the theme: โ€œRekindling the flame of leadership, reigniting the passion to serve.โ€
In her opening remarks, Student Services Coordinator Dr. Amela T. Cayabyab said the โ€˜rekindled and reignitedโ€™ very definition of a leader. โ€œTo be a leader means you are capable of recognizing the extent of your responsibility and act upon it,โ€ she said.
Campus Executive Director Dr. Liza L. Quimson also graced the program with her inspirational message. She emphasized the โ€˜right attitude and characterโ€™ of a student-leader.
โ€œAttitude is that โ€˜lurking somethingโ€™ that makes a big difference. Each public student-servant should serve as a role model to other students. It must entail the embodiment of a good attitude and character,โ€ she said.
She also added that leadership is actions-oriented with a mixture of intelligence and teamwork. โ€œLeadership must encourage unity and oneness in every action that leaders make. They should always have a heart to serve for the common good of their community.โ€
โ€œStudent-officers should enjoy and exercise campus politics as a just endeavor by making it a healthy one,โ€ Quimson added.
Student-officers took to the stage their respective organizations by receiving certificates of recognition and taking photo opportunity with their advisers.
Among the accredited student organizations of the campus are the ABEL Circle, Business Administration Club, BPED Club, BTLED Organization, College Math Club, English Communicatorsโ€™ Circle, ECED Club, IT Studentsโ€™ Organization, Kapisanang Sulo ng Diwa, Nursing Guild, Science Club, Public Administration Studentsโ€™ Club, Young Educatorsโ€™ Club, Peer Communication and Collaboration Circle. Interest clubs were the DOST Scholars Association, Visualistaz, Muyungan Campus Ministry, PSU Himig Ensemble, Social Science Organization, The Reflector and Broadcast Media Circle, and Liwawad PSU, the youngest organization in the list.
After the awarding of certificates to student-officers, the SSC officers, being officers of the highest student body organization of the campus, led the oath-taking while lower organization officers remained standing from where they are at. The National Intelligence and Coordinating Agency (NICA) Director of Region 1, Mrs. Mildred Abuldo preceded the oath-taking.
SSC President-elect Ms. Jan Rlee J. De Guzman, a third-year English major student, received the Key of Responsibility that formally marked her beginning of tenure of office. De Guzman shared her cents of stories and delivered her thanksgiving speech addressed to all the students who vouched for her during the election season.
โ€œLet us not just lead only on our minds, but also with our hearts,โ€ she reminded her fellow student-leaders. โ€œThat is the true essence of leadership: being dedicated and passionate about serving the students of our beloved university.โ€
The turnover of key was made by outgoing Executive Vice-President Fariz M. Dela Cruz in behalf of outgoing President and now a graduate Allen S. Datuin.
The key received by De Guzman symbolizes the transfer of responsibility. She ended her speech with the words: Always choose to be kind, be kind, and be kind.
When given the floor, newly appointed SSC adviser Mr. John Joseph Zarate talked about the โ€˜PSUnian Leadership Creedโ€™ which will serve as the โ€˜greatest guide to all officers.โ€™
PSU, to Zarate, is an acronym: P for Priotize the common good of students; S for Servant-leader or โ€“influencer; and U for Unselfishness.
The oath-taking and induction program was followed by an orientation proper on youth and studentsโ€™ recruitment of terrorist groups. NICA, being at the forefront of fighting against communism and other insurgencies, presented a series of eye-opening data on the brutality and unruliness of the enemies of the state. A former rebel and now a government employee personally shared his dark experience in their armed struggle and gave his testimony to the attending students. His talk served as a wake-up call for the youth.
โ€œThe armed struggle recruits the youth because they can be easily bewitched,โ€ he said.
An open forum followed. One student sought to clarify the difference between activism and terrorism. NICA said that activism is a healthy manifestation of democracy while terrorism takes the form of armed struggle, which the state must put to an end.
The awarding of certificates of appreciation and recognition were given to the guests and resource speakers for sharing their expertise and time in the orientation event.
The Student Services and the SSC spearhead and facilitate the accreditation of organizations during the beginning of every school year. It is an effort of the campus to institutionalize and formally recognize the existence of all student body organizations that pass the standards set by the university.