The two-day training entitled “FIC Inventrepreneur School: Transforming Region 1 Vegetables (Eggplant, Mungbean, Squash and Lasona) to Value Added Products Using Appropriate Technologies”, was conducted at the PSU-DOST1 Food Innovation Center, PSU- Bayambang Campus last March 25-26, 2021.
The said training was actively attended by representatives of different agriculture officers and farmer leaders from the municipality of Asingan, Umingan and Balungao.
The program was graced by Dr. LIZA L. QUIMSON, the Campus Executive Director who delivered the opening remarks and DR. JOVITA M. DATUIN, the DA-RFO Ilocos Region Regional Technical Director for Research and Regulations who shares inspirational remarks for our farmer attendees. The PSU faculty researchers serves as resource speaker of the training. Dr. Raquel C. Pambid, the FIC head discussed about the GMP and FIC House Rules. Ms. Meryl A. Bernardino demonstrated the hands on processing on Cabinet Dried Squash and Shallots while Mr. Felcris Z. Dy showed the processing of Squash Pesto Sauce using the Water Retort Machine, assisted by the machine operator, Mr. Ricardo Velasco. It was then proceeded by a demonstration on processing of Vacuum Fried Squash and Shallots by Dr. Wilma M. De Vera. On the second day, Ms. Charissa M. De Vera showed the participants how to make mungbean milk milk processed in retortable pouch. The participants was delighted to have a taste of the mungbean milk with mango flavor. On the afternoon, the demonstration of pickled eggplant and eggplant dip was conducted by Assoc. Prof Veronica C. Austria.
The farmers also expressed their deep gratitude to the initiative given by the Department of Agriculture- Ilocos Region and the PSU-DOST1 Food Innovation Center for conducting such training that were immediate need especially in times when the harvests are abundant and supply of the lowland vegetables are at peak turning them into more valuable products rather than selling at a very low price.//